Parish Library Catalogue, by Subject
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Art - Biography - General - History - Liturgy - Marian - Novels - Philosophy - Poetry -
Prayer - Psychology - Reference - Saints - Scripture - Social - Spirituality - Theology
Auclair, Marcelle | Christ's Image |
Matthews, John F | El Greco |
Leclerc, Andre | Fra Angelico |
Mac Liammoir, Micheal | W B Yeats and his World |
Lees-Milne, James | Saint Peter's |
Male, Emile | The Gothic Image |
Nurnberg, Walter | Hands at Mass |
Oberle, Jean | Utrillo |
Papafava, Francesco | Rome and the Vatican |
Rossi, Filippo | The Uffizi and Pitti, Florence |
Sartoris, Alberto | Piero della Francesca |
Von Matt, Leonard | Art in the Vatican |
Barrett, William | The Red Laquered Gate |
Chapman, Geofrey | Pope John XXIII |
Craig, Mary | The Man from a Far Country (2 copies) |
Culbertson, Diane (Ed.) | Rose Hawthorne Lathrop |
Fabert, Andre | Pope Paul XI |
Farrow, Mia | What Falls Away |
Fischer, Edward | Fiji Revisited (Fr. Martrin Dobey) |
Gallagher, Joseph | The Pain and the Privelege |
Guinness, Alec | My Name Escapes Me |
Hyde, Douglas | God's Bandit (Don Orione) |
Jordan, William | Conquest without Victory |
Klaus, Rita | Rita's Story |
Munroe, Jessie | Story of Suzanne Aubert |
Murphy, Frank | Daniel Mannix |
Newman, JH | Apologia pro Vita Sua |
Noble, Christina | Bridge across my Sorrows |
Ousler, Will & Fulton | Father Flanagan of Boystown |
Parker, Michael | This Portentous Priest |
Pope John XXIII | Journal of a Soul |
Press, Margaret | Julian Tenison Woods - Father Founder |
Rafter, Pat | Never Let Go |
Reeve, Christopher | Still Me |
Ryder, Fr Tom | Following All your Ways, Lord |
Sobel, Dava | Galileo's Daughter |
Stern, Karl | The Pillar of Fire |
Trevor, Meriol | Newman - Light in Winter |
Trevor, Meriol | Newman - The Pillar and the Cloud |
Wall, Bernard | Priest and Worker |
Allen, W H (Ed.) | Catholic Digest Omnibus |
Belloc, Hilaire | The Path to Rome |
Carroll, Lewis | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
Cervantes | Don Quixote |
Chaucer | The Canterbury Tales |
Gratus, Jack | Give and Take - A practical guide for Meetings |
Hildred, B | How to Survive in the Bush |
Jackson, Kenneth Hurlstone | A Celtic Miscellany |
Karam, Joe | David and Goliath |
O'Brien, Conor Cruise | Maria Cross |
Polkinghorne, John | Beyond Science |
Sheed, FJ (Ed.) | The Guest-Room Book |
Tolkien, J R R | The Hobbit |
Virgil | Eclogues: Georgics |
Yeats, W B | Selected Criticism |
Yeats, W B | Selected Prose |
Bede, The Venerable | A History of the English Chuch and People |
Bloch, Herbert | The Bombardment of Monte Cassino |
Cahill, Thomas | How the Irish Saved Civilization |
Daniel-Rops (Ed.) | The Miracle of Ireland |
Diaz, Bernal | The Conquest of New Spain |
Fernandez-Armesto, F | Millennium |
Fraser, Antonia | The Gunpowder Plot |
Hersey, John | Hiroshima |
Hughes, Phillip | A History of the Church (to the Reformation) |
Hughes, Phillip | The Church in Crisis (20 Great Councils) |
Hughes, Robert | The Fatal Shore |
Innes, Hammond | The Conquistadors |
Novak, Michael | Open Church, The (Vatican II) |
O'Farrell, Patrick | The Irish in Australia |
Philbrick, Nathaniel | In the Heart of the Sea (The true Moby Dick tale) |
Rynne, Xavier | John Paul's Extraordinary Synod |
Simmons, ER | Brief History of the Catholic Church in NZ |
Williams, Judith | Puhoi Remembers |
Wiltgen, Ralph | The Founding of the RC Church in Oceania |
Diess, Lucien | The Mass |
Gelineau, Joseph | Liturgy Today and Tomorrow |
Swayne, Sean | Communion |
Swayne, Sean | Gather Around the Lord |
Connell, Janice | Apparitions at Medjugorje |
Duggan, William | Mary our Hope |
Duggan, William | Vessel of Honour |
Haffert | Sign of Her Heart |
Houselander, Caryll | Reed of God |
Johnson, Ann | Miryam of Judah |
Johnson, Ann | Miryam of Nazareth |
Laurentin, Rene | Mary's Place in the Church |
Lynch, John W A | Woman Wrapped in Silence |
Newman, JH | The Mystical Rose |
Rahner, Karl | Mary, Mother of the Lord |
Ratzinger, Joseph | Daughter Zion |
Robertson, John Fr | The Medal Mary Designed |
Sheed, FJ | The Mary Book |
Suenens, Leon-Joseph | Mary the Mother of God |
Tambasco, Anhony | What are they saying about Mary? |
Various | Exploring Fatima |
Weible, Wayne | Medjugorie |
Bernanos, Georges | Diary of a Country Priest |
Camus, Albert | The Plague |
Doyle, Roddy | Paddy Clarke HaHaHa |
Chesterton, GK | Omnibus |
Greene, Graham | The Power and the Glory |
Houselander, Caryll | The Dry Wood |
Kavanagh, P J | The Perfect Stranger |
Keneally, Thomas | Bring Larks and Heroes |
Klise, Thomas | The Last Western |
Koch, Christopher | Out of Ireland |
Mannin, Ethel | Late have I Loved Thee |
Mauriac, Francois | A Woman of the Pharisees |
Miller, Walter M (Jr.) | A Canticle for Leibowitz |
O'Connor, Edwin | The Edge of Sadness |
O'Connor, Flannery | A Good Man is Hard to Find |
O'Connor, Flannery | Everything That Rises Must Converge |
O'Connor, Flannery | The Violent Bear it Away |
O'Connor, Flannery | Wise Blood |
O'Connor, Frank | Fish for Friday and other stories |
Renault, Mary | Fire from Heaven |
Trollope, Anthony | The Last Cronicle of Barset |
Waddell, Helen | Peter Abelard |
Waugh, Evelyn | Omnibus |
Wodehouse, P G | The Jeeves Collection |
Wren, Percival C | Beau Geste |
Aristotle | The Basic Works |
Copleston, Frederick | Contemporary Philosophy |
Copleston, Frederick | History of Philosophy:Fichte - Sartre |
Copleston, Frederick | History of Philosophy:Greece - Suarez |
Crystal, David | Linguistics, Language and Religion |
Buber, Martin | I and Thou |
Dupre, Louis | A Dubious Heritage |
Fernandez-Armesto, F | Truth |
Gardner, Jostein | Sophie's World |
Journet, Charles | The Meaning of Evil |
Lonergan, Bernard | Insight |
Marcel, Gabriel | Being and Having |
Marcel, Gabriel | Homo Viator |
Maritain, Jacques | Existence and the Existent |
Maritain, Jacques | The Rights of Man |
McShane (Ed.) | Introducing the thought of Bernard Lonergan |
Pascal, Blasé | Pensees |
Peiper, Josef | Leisure, the Basis of Culture |
Pirsig, Robert | Zen and the Art of Motor-cycle Maintenance |
Ryan, Arthur H | Perennial Philosophers |
Sheen, Fulton | God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy |
Belloc, Hilaire | Collected Verse |
Duggan, Eileen | More Poems |
Duggan, Eileen | Poems |
Eliot, TS | Collected Poems |
Elliot, TS | Murder in the Cathedral |
Elliot, TS | Selected Prose |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley | Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins |
Milton, John | Paradise Lost and other poems |
Muir, Edwin | Collected Poems |
O'Brien, John | Around the Boree Log |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe | Selected Poetry and Prose |
Various | The Oxford Book of English Verse |
Wells, H W (Tr.) | The Vision of Piers Plowman |
Wojtyla, Karol | Easter Vigil and Other Poems |
Yeats, W B | Collected Poems |
| Come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament |
Bligh, John | Scripture of Meditation |
Cassidy, Sheila | Prayer for Pilgrims |
Claudel, Paul | Lord Teach us to Pray |
Kern, Walter | New Liturgy and Old Devotions |
Luff, SGA | Silent Bedes |
Maloney, George, A | Alone with the Alone |
McNutt, Francis | The Prayer that Heals |
Pope John XXIII | Prayers and Devotions |
Quoist, Michael | Prayers of Life |
Ryan, Juanita | Meeting God in Praise |
Ryan, Genevieve | Seasons of Grace (Bl. Mary McKillop) |
Allers, Rudolf | The Psychology of Character |
Carrel, Alexis | Man the Unknown |
Jung, CG | Memories, Dreams, Reflections |
Kilpatrick, William Kirk | Psychological Seduction |
| Cathechism of the Catholic Church |
| Dictionary of the Bible |
| Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, The |
| Oxford English Reference Dictionary, The |
Bullinger, EW | English-Greek Lexicon |
Crystal, David | Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia |
Lawler, R etc. | The Teaching of Christ |
Lewis | Latin - English Dictionary |
Nuener & Dupuis (Eds.) | The Christian Faith |
Piercy, Harold | Flower Arranging |
Attwater, Donald | St John Chrysostom |
De La Bedoyere, Michael | Biography of St Francis of Assisi |
Dunne, Clare | Mary McKillop - No Plaster Saint |
Ellsberg, Robert | All Saints |
Finlay, Ian | Columba |
Forristal, Desmond | Columcille - The Fox and the Dove |
Gallico, Paul | Steadfast Man, The (St Patrick) |
Garden City Press | Heroes of our Time |
Guardini, Romano | The Conversion of Augustine |
Johnston, Bernard | Message of St.Teresa of Lisieux |
Johnston, Bernard | St. Teresa of Lisieux |
Knox, Ronald | Autobiography of Saint Therese |
Lilley, Stella Maris | On the Road with Padre Pio |
Liso, Oscarde | Padre Pio |
O'Fiach, Tomas | Columbanus |
Owen, Fr | The Early Capuchins |
Pauli, Hertha | Christmas and the Saints |
Purcell, Mary | The World of Monsieur Vincent |
Scott, Brian | Malachy |
Sr. M Peter | Dauntless Daughter of Desires |
Sr. Mary | Philippa Men with a Message |
Woodgate, M V | St Joan of Arc |
| Children's Bible in 365 Stories |
| Holy Bible (Knox Version) |
| Jerusalem Bible |
| New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture |
| The Children's Bible |
American Bible Society | Bible for today's Family |
Blyth, John | Colossians (Scripture of meditation 4) |
Bishop, Jim | The Day Christ Died |
Catholic Bible Press | Good News Bible |
Guardini, Romano | The Lord |
Jeremias, Joachim | The Parables of Jesus |
Knox-Cox | Waiting for Christ |
Kossoff, David | The Book of Witnesses |
McKenzie, John L | The Two-Edged Sword |
Nestle (Ed.) | Greek - English Interlinear New Testament |
New Testament | No Greater Love |
New Testament | TheGreatest Love |
NIV | Serendipity New Testament |
Scott, Bernard | Hear the Parables |
Throckmorton, Burton (Ed.) | Gospel Parallels |
Clark, Colin | Starvation or Plenty |
Eco, Umberto | Apocalypse Postponed |
Eco, Umberto | Travels in Hyper-Reality |
Galbraith, JK | Money - Whence it came, where it went |
Galbraith, JK | The Affluent Society |
Galbraith, JK | The Nature of Mass Poverty |
Hyde, Douglas | Dedication and Leadership |
Molloy, Anthony | Thirty Pieces of Silver |
O'Rourke, PJ | All the Trouble in the World |
O'Rourke, PJ | Holidays in Hell |
Bassett, Bernard | We Neurotics |
Baxter, James K | The Flowering Cross |
Baxter, James K | The Man on the Horse |
Brandt, LF | Jesus Now |
Breig, James | Why go to Mass? |
Cassidy, Shiela | Audacity to Believe |
Chesterton, GK | Orthodoxy |
Chesterton, GK | The Everlasting Man |
Cunningham, Lawrence (Ed.) | Thomas Merton - Spiritual Master |
de Chardin, Teilhard | Hymn of the Universe |
de Chardin, Teilhard | Le Milieu Divin |
Dubay, Thomas | Caring |
Flynn Mr. God | This is Anna |
Fritz, Patricia | We Praise You |
Gelin, Albert | The Poor of Yahweh |
Ghezzi, Bert | Keeping Your Kids Catholic |
Gilchrist, Michael | Rome or the Bush |
Graham, Dom Aelred | Zen Catholicism |
Guardini, Romano | Prayers from Theology |
Hagin, KE | Exceedingly Growing Faith |
Hammarskjold, Dag | Markings |
Hample / Marshall, E | Children's Letters to God |
Holy Cross College | Heart and Soul |
Houselander, Caryll | The Flowering Tree |
Houselander, Caryll | The Passion of the Infant Christ |
Houselander, Caryll | The Stations of the Cross |
Howard, Thomas | Evangelical is Not Enough |
Hughes, Gerard W | God of Surprises |
Hughes, Gerard W | Oh God, Why? |
Hume, Basil | Searching for God |
Jarman, David | Childhood's Pattern |
Johnson, William | Lord Teach us to Pray |
Keeler, Robert F | Parish! |
Kevane, Eugene | The Lord of History |
Kimbrough, Mary | The Joy and Adventure of Growing Younger |
Lester, AJ | Understanding Aged Parents |
Lewis, CS | The Screwtape Letters |
Lynch, Flann | Healing and Growth |
Mackey, John | Looking at Ourselves |
Mardon, Heather and Mike | Won without a Word |
McAll, Kenneth | Healing the Family Tree |
McCullagh, John | In the Bits and Pieces |
McCullagh, John | Thoughts for the changing seasons |
McGinley, Phyllis | The Province of the Heart |
McGorry, Vincent | More Blessed than Kings |
McKenna, Briege | Miracles do Happen |
McNutt, Francis | The Prayer that Heals |
Merton, Thomas | Bread in the Wilderness |
Merton, Thomas | Spiritual Direction |
Milcent, Paul | Humble so as to Love More |
Muggeridge, Malcolm | Christ and the Media |
Muggeridge, Malcolm | Jesus |
Muggeridge, Malcolm | Jesus the Man who Lives |
Neher, Andre | Moses |
Nouwen, Henri | In Memoriam |
Nowel, Robert | Why am I still a Catholic? |
O'Collins, Gerald | The Second Journey |
O'Donohue, John | Anam Cara |
O'Dwyer, Peter | Towards a History of Irish Spirituality |
Padovano, Anthony | A Celebration of Life |
Parent, Remi | Life to the Limits |
Peck, M. Scott | The Road Less Travelled |
Petty, Jo | Golden Praises |
Powell, John | Happiness is an Inside Job |
Powell, John | Secret of Being in Love |
Purcell, William | Between the Unseen and Seen |
Rahner, Karl | I Remember |
Readers Digest | Jesus and His Times |
Ridenour, Fritz | How to become a Christian... |
Sanders, JO | Spiritual Leadership |
Sertillanges, AD | Jesus |
Sheed, FJ | The Book of the Saviour |
Smith, Graeme and Pam | If God be for us |
Smith, Regis | How can I Find God? |
Sr M Damien | Sing no sad Songs for Me |
St. Bernard | Nativity, The |
Suenens, Leon-Joseph | The Gospel to every creature |
Tosh, Bert (Ed.) | Thought for the Day |
Voillaume, Rene | Living God, The |
Weil, Simone | Gravity and Grace |
Weil, Simone | Waiting on God |
Wicks, Robert J | Seeds of Sensitivity |
Wojtyla, Karol | Sign of Contradiction |
Wright, Tom | The Myth of the Millennium |
Aquinas, St Thomas | Summa Theologiae (Condensed English Version) |
Bea, Augustin | The Way to Unity after the Council |
Berger, Peter L A | Rumour of Angels |
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich | Ethics |
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich | Letters and Papers from Prison |
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich | The Cost of Discipleship |
Bouyer, Louis | The Church of God |
Daly, Cahal | Natural Law Morality Today |
de Lubac, Henri | Nature and Grace |
de Lubac, Henri | The Motherhood of the Church |
Chirico, Peter | Infallibility |
Fox, Matthew | Original Blessing |
Guardini, Romano | Freedom, Grace and Destiny |
Guerry, E | In the Whole Christ |
Heenan, John C | Our Faith |
Helwig, Monica | Understanding Catholicism |
John Paul II, Pope | Crossing the Threshhold of Hope (2 copies) |
Luke, Helen | Woman, Earth and Spirit |
Macquarrie, John | An Existentialist Theology |
Macquarrie, John | Principles of Christian Theology |
Maritain, Jacques | On the Grace and Humanity of Jesus |
McMullin, Ernan | Evolution and Creation |
Messori, V | Jesus Hypotheses |
Morton, John | Redeeming Creation |
O'Collins, Gerald | Jesus Today |
Ott, Ludwig | Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma |
Ratzinger, Josef | Introduction to the Catechism |
von Balthasar, Hans Urs | Does Jesus Know us - Do we Know Him? |
von Balthasar, Hans Urs | Love Alone: the Way of Revelation |
von Balthasar, Hans Urs | The Christian State of Life |
Scheeben, M.J. | Mysteries of Christianity |
Shea, John | Stories of Faith |
Sheen, Fulton | God and War |
Sheldrake, Phillip | Images of Holiness |
St. Romain, Philip | Jesus on the Cross - Why? |
Suenens, Leon-Joseph | Theology of the Apostolate |
Tillich, Paul | The Shaking of the Foundations |
Vanier, Jean | Man and Woman He Made Them |