YOUR FRIENDS MAY ENJOY GETTING THE NEWSLETTER If you know of anyone who would like the NEWSLETTER emailed to them weekly let me know their email address. Perhaps you can think of some non-practising Catholics who may be interested in at least keeping a small contact this way?
to get the weekly newsletter via your email
Living Justly in Aotearoa newsletter Will be only by email now. Please send your postal address to Kevin at PO Box 68419, Newton, Auckland 1145 for those who haven’t got access to the internet. Otherwise Email:
Wheelchair Available ...
The Caring Group has provided a Wheelchair for the use of for any parishioner who may require it. Enquiries to Moira 425 0232.
Bibles available at the Parish shop
We have stocks of several varieties of bibles available from our online shop (at
Parish Newsletter
26th January 2025
Saturday 25th January 2025
Mass of Thanksgiving &
Decommissioning of Holy Name Church, WW
6.00 pm
1st Reading: Exodus 17:3-7
Psalm: 94(95): 1-2, 6-9
2nd Reading: Ephesians 2:4-9
Gospel: John 4:5-14
Sunday 26th January 2025
Opening Mass & Blessing
of Holy Name Church, 480 Matakana Rd
10.30 am
1st Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-12
Psalm: Psalm 18:8-11
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14,27
Gospel: Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21
News & Events
A warm welcome to ... any new parishioners:
Please introduce yourself to Fr Brian and also complete a parish Enrolment Form on the table in the foyer.
Alternatively complete and send this form online; click here.
What a Great Success!
Many thanks to all those who came along and helped us settle in to our new church. Much was acheived after years of neglect.
Well done and thank you all.
Ascension Update Corner
- Holy Name Parish SURVEY
The purpose of this survey is to provide parishioners with an indication of the range of expressions of interest we have received to date and to ascertain support for different possibilities. We need to ensure there is a balance between community needs and revenue generating operations to cover the costs.
Please complete the survey by the 20 January to indicate what initiatives you would like the PCG to investigate further.
PARISH SURVEY - click here
- Auckland Anniversary Weekend
Bishop Steve will join us to celebrate a Thanksgiving Vigil Mass at our current church on 25 January concluding with an historic opportunity to process symbols of our faith to the new church and a shared dinner at Matakana. At our Mass on Sunday 26 January Bishop Steve will bless and official open the new church and pastoral centre. Mark your diaries!
Story of the Stations of the Cross:
Across the diocese people will gather throughout Lent to walk & pray the Stations of the Cross. But why has this become such a popular devotion? How come there are 14 stations & not 6 or 23?
You are invited to prayerfully consider these and other questions as we explore with Sr Sian the meaning and history of the Stations of the Cross.
To register please email to be sent the online link.
Bishop Steve Speaks tune into the diocesan YouTube channel playlist Bishop Steve Speaks to hear him reflecting on the readings of Sunday and other moments of conversation.
Special Commemoration Booklet
To Commemorate the ending of an era and new beginnings, the Parish is producing a Special Commemoration booklet, and we need your help!
The proposed move by Holy Name Parish in Warksworth to the Ascension Wine Estate on the Matakana Road is possibly one of the most exciting developments in recent times for the Catholic Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand, the Diocese of Auckland and the Parish!
The 6.38ha site, with its cluster of Tuscan-styled buildings and vineyard, offers the potential for the creation of a worship environment certainly unique to New Zealand, and possibly also to the Southern Hemisphere!
The beginning of this new chapter in the life of the Warkworth Catholic Community certainly needs to be celebrated, and one of the ways the Parish is planning to do that is through the production of a commemorative booklet, which, it is planned, will document some of the history of the Parish, and, in particular, the Alnwick Street church. The book will also feature a brief history of the Ascension Wine Estate, and will look forward to possible future developments on the site.
Write-On Publishing, owned and operated by Frank Nunan, a parishioner who attends Mass at Sts Peter and Paul in Puhoi, is proud to have been
commissioned to undertake this special project.
For more information about Frank and his experience and background in the publishing world, please see, and also
The project is designed to be self-funding through sponsorship and advertising, and the revenue from the sale of the books themselves will go towards Parish fundraising to assist in meeting the costs of the trans-location.
Read the full introduction leaflet here.
Dedicated Web Page
A dedicated web page for this project has been created on the Write-On website at
A file upload for for pictures and stories, as well vatious order forms are available on this page.
Contact Information:
WhatsApp:+64 2108870423
Stay for a cuppa....
Morning Tea after Matakana Sunday 10.30 am Mass
Next Sunday - 2nd February 2025
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Presentation of the Lord
1st Reading: Malachi 3:1-4 Ps: 24
2nd Reading: Hebrews 2:14-18
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
More News
Parish Services and Contacts
Home Visits
Please contact Fr Brian if you need or you know of someone who would like a Home Visit – communion and reconciliation to the sick and housebound.
Warkworth Homebuilders:
Is an organisation working in North Rodney dedicated to helping local families by walking them through hard times. Call (09) 425 7048
Parish Contributions
For those parishioners who donate to the parish via the envelope system or by cash during the collection time at Mass, you may wish to continue to contribute to the parish via internet banking.
The parish bank account number is 02-0108-0706101-000.
Please ensure that you provide the following details with each payment:
- Your initials and name
- If you normally pay via the envelope system then please quote your envelope number
- The word “collection”
On another note, it's great to receive cash in the plate to keep cash in existence in NZ.
The Lord remains with us always. Let us pray for each other to deepen our gratitude for that presence in our spiritual communion each day.
Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Brian Lange
Are you new to our parish?
Register online at
Have you changed address?
Please get in touch with the Parish Office at if you would like to update or change your details.
Moved …
If you have moved home, changed your telephone or email address kindly email your changed details to the parish office.
- - Monday & Thursday from 8.00 a.m., finishing 15 minutes before the start of Mass.
- - Friday after the morning Mass & Benediction
- - Saturday after the morning Mass
- - Saturday afternoon from 5.00 p.m. until 5.30 p.m.
- - Sunday by appointment after 2.00 p.m.
I saw a little kid eating ice cream in the elevator. Out of concern, I casually said, "It's such a cold day; you'll get sick eating that!"
The kid replied, "My grandma lived to be 103."
I asked, "From eating ice cream?"
He said, "No, because she never meddled in other people's business!"
How profound! I finally understand why I'm aging so fast—too much unnecessary meddling.
Scammers are everywhere these days. I just saw on the news about people's savings mysteriously disappearing—tens of thousands of dollars gone without a trace.
Panicking, I rushed to the bank on my bike, inserted my card, entered my password, and checked my balance. Thankfully, my $8 was still there. I breathed a sigh of relief.
Whew, that was nerve-wracking! I swear I’m never watching the news again— too stressful!
As I left the bank, I was even more exhausted: my $8 was safe, but my bike was gone.
Hold Back
A young lady boarded a train and saw a man sitting in her seat. She politely checked her ticket and said, “Sir, I think you’re in my seat.”
The man pulled out his ticket and shouted, “Look closely! This is my seat! Are you blind?!”
The girl carefully checked his ticket and stopped arguing. She quietly stood beside him.
After the train started moving, the girl leaned over and softly said, “Sir, you’re not in the wrong seat, but you’re on the wrong train. This is heading to Shanghai, and your ticket is for Harbin.”
There’s a kind of restraint that leaves people regretting their actions. If yelling solved everything, donkeys would’ve ruled the world long ago.
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Parish Priest: Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Parish Finance Committee Chairperson: Fr Brian Lange
Caring Group: - 425 8545 Office
Puhoi Church Bookings: Bernadette Straka 09 426 7374 or 422 0716 or WW Office 425 8545
Sacramental Programme: Parish Office 425 8545
Rosters: Warkworth: Parish Office 425 8545
Newsletter (Bulletin): Parish Office & Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Holyname Ascension Maintenance: Simon Straka 0274914011 or 09 422 0716
Puhoi Church Maintenance: Simon Straka 0274914011 or 09 422 0716
Liturgical Ministries: Warkworth: Christine 423 0433, Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Warkworth Parish Hall Bookings: Parish Office 425 8545
Marriage preparation programme: Gerry Smith at Auckland Diocese (09) 360 3025
If you are new to the parish, welcome! An information booklet about the parish life is available in the foyer. Please complete the form enclosed and hand it in or post it to the parish office or complete it online here:
“New Parishioner Form”
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